What if you could leave behind all of the things that aren't working for you right now...
• Being stuck in an office or meetings for 8-10 hours a day.
• Rushing out the door in the morning.
• Wasting time commuting.Â
• Leaving before sunrise and returning home at night when it's already dark.
• Having someone else dictate your day and tell you whether or not you can take time off.
• Never having time to take care of yourself to spend time with family or friends.

• Worrying about work late at night or on the weekends.
• Trading your time for money and knowing that the only way to have more income in your current job is to spend more time doing that job.
• Feeling like there's a cap on what you can earn and having that determine the lifestyle you get to live.
• Always worrying about money or struggling to make ends meet.
In the Crucial Habits Coach Certification (CHCC) program, you get to leave the 9-5 behind!
As a coach, you get to decide.
The possibilities are endless. Coaching gives you the ultimate freedom. You get to decide WHO you want to help. How you want to help... And when you want to help! There's no one above you calling the shots!
You can design your own day from start to finish. You don't have to spend hours commuting. You can eat healthy meals, take care of yourself, spend time with your favorite people, and engage in your hobbies.
This is your opportunity to create the impact you've always wanted while also having the lifestyle that will bring you the greatest happiness.
What Does It Mean To Be A Certified Crucial Habits Coach?
We help people from all different paths incorporate coaching into their current career or build a new career as a coach from the ground up.
Being a coach means you want MORE. You want freedom and flexibility in your life. You have a deeper purpose. You want to empower and inspire others to build a career, life, or relationship that they never believed could be possible with the current tools and resources that they have.
As a Certified Crucial Habits Coach, we are going to teach you how to bring your magic to the marketplace so that you can create a lucrative business.
What Makes Crucial Habits Coaching Certification Unique?
Three very specific things make this program unique:
1) Tuition Guarantee
Most Coaches seek out endless information and education but have no idea how to run a profitable business. We're so confident that we can help you build a profitable business, that we guarantee that you will earn your tuition back. Even if a coach gets certified, often times they quit their journey because they aren't given the tools to run a profitable business. At Crucial Habits, you get BOTH. We
teach you how to become an effective coach, while also building a profitable business... starting from day #1.
2) Proven
Crucial Habits Method
You will learn the proprietary, proven Crucial Habits Method which is our life changing tool that you and your clients will use to identify the root cause of challenges. We've done the hard work FOR you. Once you complete this Coaching Program, you will be certified with our exclusive coaching tools and resources. These tools will help you take your coaching skills into the job marketplace whether you're enhancing your skills for your current job, want to build a coaching practice of your own, or want to work for an organization as a coach.
3)Â Personal Transformation
We are always actively engaged in receiving coaching from other coaches as well as coaching their own clients. You have access to a full library of trainings and programs that we have used to transform the lives of thousands of others. You ’ll also get coaching and support every week in the Coach Certification Program. Your own personal transformation becomes your most valuable asset as you dive into having conversations with potential clients and ensuring them that you can solve their biggest challenges.
Your Own Personal Transformation
& Program Models
You will have access to these programs (and so much more!) to create your own personal transformation and to use as models for the types of programs you might like to develop.
How To Find Your Perfect Partner
Relationship Accelerator
Manifest Self-Confidence ASAP
The Coach Yourself Method
How to Stop Stress, Overcome Worry, & Feel Better Now
Say Goodbye
to Insecurities
Peak Performance
How to Have More Influence
Healing Past Hurts
Unlimited Motivation
Taking Control of Your Brain
How to Build a Profitable Business
What Is The Secret To Being An Effective Coach?
The first step is having an effective coaching model. Dr. Ashley and Dr. Michael's extensive education and training in psychology, science, and how the brain works have helped them discover the root cause of pain.
The Crucial Habits Method works with individuals, groups, and companies. The Crucial Habits Coaching Method is not a band-aid and it's not just surface level, run of the mill coaching. The Crucial Habits Method is a simple, step-by-step tool that our coaches use to diagnose and treat virtually any challenge. Helping your clients overcome their biggest challenges comes from teaching them how to identify the root cause of their pain. This is what you'll learn in this certification program.
The second step is making a commitment to yourself that you deserve this. If you're here, you're willing to do the work and you want to transform people's lives. Don't let fear hold you back from all of the potential that is inside you. We are all human. We have our own challenges. We will make mistakes. We will fail. All of this is what makes us a great coach. We don't have to be perfect. We just have to be committed to ourselves and to the process of becoming the best coach we can be.
As coaches, Dr. Ashley and Dr. Michael have been fortunate to help thousands of growth oriented, ambitious people create more love, happiness, and success in their lives. They've been married to each other for 15+ years and have created the exact relationship they want. They have an incredible son and two rambunctious rescue dogs, Bear & Bailey. Being a coach has allowed them the freedom to work when they want, with who they want, from where they want.
Dr. Ashley & Dr. Michael are passionate about inspiring future generations of coaches to transform the lives of others while also living their best life. They have developed 5 core components of the Crucial Habits Coach Certification Program. Explore each of the components below.
The 5 Core Components of Coach Certification
Private Coaching Sessions
Self-Paced Online Training
Direct Coach Instruction & Observation
Weekly Office Hours
A Community Of Support
To live the life you want as a coach, it's important you're able to effectively coach clients at the highest level....
It's also important that you can run a thriving coaching business. This is something that most certification programs do not offer you. In Crucial Habits Coach Certification program, we're going to show you how we and other coaches have created coaching businesses that not only transform people's lives but also enable the coach to be financially free and create the lifestyle we want.
With The
Crucial Habits Coaching Program,
You'll Learn:
- The best business models for coaches
- Marketing that engages ideal clients without having to be on social media all day
- How to enroll new ideal clients consistently without being salesy even if you hate sales
- The right offer you can make to serve your client's at the highest level while leveraging your time and energy
- How to setup your business to match your ideal lifestyle
-How to be location independent and coach from anywhere in the world
- How to earn what you actually deserve and are worth!
Alumni Network & Benefits
Throughout this program, we become like family. We want to keep our coaches engaged in community and growth far past the completion of our Certification program. As long as you are actively involved in coaching, you have free access to our ongoing Alumni Benefits.
You will remain in our Coaches Community where you have access to live support and coaching, you can make connections and referrals with other coaches, and you will receive ongoing education and training to continue your coach growth.
We Help our Students EARN
Coach Certification.
Over the last 16+ years of being in this industry, Dr. Ashley & Dr. Michael have seen way too many people just wake up and decide to be a coach without any training or skills. This is NOT fair to clients and can actually do far more harm than good. Being the person that someone chooses to trust with their innermost thoughts and vulnerabilities is an honor and a privilege.
We only certify coaches who choose to pay attention to the tools they are learning, practice them, and value feedback and coaching along the way. Dr. Ashley & Dr. Michael will be with you on every step of this journey giving you coaching and feedback on what you're learning. At the end of the certification there is an examination that you will be prepared for and will be easy to pass if you're showing up and doing the work.
The Coaching Industry is different from other industries in that it does not have any regulation or governing accreditation. There are a few private institutions that offer coaching certification programs. We empower you to review these options. It's powerful to have the end goal in mind. Coaching is action oriented and solutions focused. Education is important and it certainly is not enough to help you become your most authentic and effective self as a coach. Dr. Ashley & Dr. Michael have developed a proprietary and highly effective coaching method through a combined 30+ years of experience, coaching 10,000+ clients, spending 14 combined years earning doctoral degrees in psychology, hiring additional coaches and mentors in other industries to fill their knowledge gaps, and have built several, multi-seven figure businesses. For this reason, Crucial Habits will not apply for Certification through the International Coaching Federation (ICF) or any other organization as our coaching methods are unlike any other methods out there.
The ICF is focused on taking action, the coaching relationship, and holding clients accountable. You will learn ALL of this in the Crucial Habits Coaching Certification, plus you will learn to get to the root of a client's pain and challenges. As a Crucial Habits Coach, your clients will be eager to hire you because you know how to give them much more than just a band-aid. Whether you choose to help individuals, couples, groups, or businesses, you're going to coach your clients to understand the why behind what they do, the patterns that are holding them back, and how to break free from these patterns for a lifetime (not just for a few moments). You will impact the lives of many and that impact will last. Dr. Ashley & Dr. Michael's deep understanding of psychology offers you the true skills you need to make an impact and be an effective change agent for your clients. Your clients will choose to hire you because you understand their specific problem with a depth like no other and you can offer them the exact solution to that challenge. It's also important to note that the many coaches do not have any training at all and truly aren't qualified to be coaching.

I have never coached before. Can I still do this program?
How do I know if I'll be a good coach?
Do I need advanced education or a degree in psychology to be a coach?
I have been coaching for a long time. Can I still do this program?
Can I do this coaching program if I am currently a therapist, psychologist, or social worker?
Just A Few Of Our Coach Successes
Right now, you have an opportunity to create a new path for yourself. Right in front of you is the path to transforming people's lives and creating a career that will give you flexibility and financial freedom. What if you just said "yes" and then let us show you how? You don't have to have the answers. We have them all ready for you. All you have to do is commit to yourself that you're ready to take this leap toward creating a life that brings you joy, purpose, and financial freedom.
Are you ready to transform the lives of others while having Ultimate Freedom?
We guarantee that you will earn the value of your tuition in this program.